To fulfill the country's objectives, a country needs to organize and improve its education systems. One area of education that has undergone profound change and significant progress is computer education. Comprehensive Education Programs have been created and implemented.
As computing evolves, so does engineering as a discipline. This puts continual pressure on core branches of engineering and applied Science educators to review, revise and rewrite the courses and the curriculum. Educators have been rising up to the challenge, creating new courses, introducing innovative ideas and practices into existing courses, re-organizing the major and carve out minors.
Engineering education forms a part of the school and college curricula, as it is important for every individual today, to have basic knowledge of computers.
Innovation is expensive. Change takes time, effort and commitment. The conference is designed to spark discussion among creative educators, researchers, consultants, training managers, policy makers, curriculum developers, entrepreneurs, and others in Computer Science Education. Many individuals are transforming learning environments in local as well as more global ways. This conference offers an opportunity to meet and discuss their ideas, findings, and next steps.
• Best Paper Awards and Best Student Paper Awards will be conferred at the conference (in order to qualify for the award, the paper must be presented at the conference).
• Journal: Depending on their importance, originality, quality, relevance and other editorial considerations, eligible research articles will be invited for publication in any of the following journals.
The 2014 1st International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (AICEAS 2013) is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Engineering and Applied Science.
The International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science AICEAS 2013, will be a group of five conferences/tracks.
International Conference in Recent Trends in Computer Science (CS)
International Conference in Recent Trends in Electrical & Electronics (EE)
International Conference in Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering (ME)
International Conference in Recent Trends in Civil Engineering (CE)
International Conference in Recent Trends in Applied Sciences(AS)
International Conference in Recent Trends in Nano Technology(NT)
Our Technical Publishers, will be publishing the special journals (both print and CD media) and international conference Proceedings for the AICEAS 2013. All the accepted papers will be available in their Digital Library resources forever, which will be indexed in the major academic databases,it will be published in the Conference Proceeding , CD Media of Proceeding and publish in the following international Journals.
1. International Journal of Technology and Engineering System
2.International Journal of Computer Communication and Information System(IJCCIS)
3.International Journal of Computer Network and Security(IJCNS)
4.International Journal of Review and Research in Applied Science and Engineering ( IJRRASE)
5.International Journal of Power Control Signal and Computation(IJPCSC)
6.Singaporean Journal of Scientific Research(SJSR)
7.The Asian Review of Civil Engineering (TARCE)
8.Asian Review of Mechanical Engineering (ARME)
9.Asian Journal of Electrical Sciences (AJES)
10.Asian Journal of Computer Science and Technology (AJCST)
11.Asian Journal of Information Science and Technology (AJIST)
12.Asian Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (AJEAT)
13.Asian Journal of Science and Applied Technology (AJSAT)
14.Asian Journal of Managerial Science (AJMS)
15. Asian Review of Social Sciences (ARSS)
English is the official language of the conference. We welcome paper submissions. Prospective authors are invited to submit full (and original research) papers (which is NOT submitted or published or under consideration anywhere in other conferences/journal) in electronic (DOC or PDF) format through the easy chair conferences management system website or via email International Journal of Technology and Engineering SystemrIJTES (Print ISSN: 0976-1345 ), which is indexed by EconBiz, EBSCO, CrossRef, Proquest, Ulrichsweb and Cabell's Directories.
• Book: Selected authors will be invited to contribute book chapters in "Singaporean Journal of Scientific Research(SJSR)" to be published by IAAET.
The book will be edited by Dr. Rue Herbertz, Dean, School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, UK
• AICEAS 2013 will also constitute a Special Panel Session.
• Panel Proposals are invited for submission to the AICEAS 2013. A minimum of three papers centering on a specific topic will be accepted for submission under Panel Category.
