To support its community initiated activities, IAAET adopts a novel governance model based on an organizational structure that combines professional management with community representation. This is achieved through the participation of professionals selected on the basis of their community achievements, scientific recognition and selection of activities. IAAET’s professional administration allows for an efficient, competitive and sustainable delivery of administrative, logistic and financial services. The ICST administration is committed to quality, performance based management of its services and activities with an organisational model that represents associate membership and rewards based on member defined research group activities. If the research or its aims remain unclear, it's possible to search for cheap ghostwriters for hire and delegate your task to them.
Executive Council – Administrative Body
IAAET’s administrative management is accountable for defining and supporting management policies that lead to quality of operation, community involvement and long term sustainability of services provided by IAAET. This body consisting of officers providing operational and managerial supervision of IAAET activities.
Chief Executive Officer
The Chief Executive Officer fulfils a legal representative role with regards to IAAET’s relations with national and international authorities. The CEO is responsible for supervising the administrative and operational aspects of IAAET’s policies and strategic planning.
Chief General Manager
The Chief General Manager Manages the Administrative Section and Staffs within the IAAET. The CGN shall supervise the administrative and operational aspects of IAAET’s activities
Chief Technical Head
The Chief Technical Head shall be responsible for the IAAET’s national and international Technical Activities and events. The CTH is responsible for supervising the Plagiarism, Copyright, Events and its related operational aspects.
Chief Financial Officer
The Chief Financial Officer, assisted by IAAET auditors and accountants, is responsible for overseeing that IAAET’s financial matters. The Treasurer is liable for providing an annual report to the Executive Board on the source and disposition of funds with regards to the development and conduct.
Administrative Staff
The administrative staff provides administrative, logistic and organisational support to IAAET organisations and its activities. The IAAET administrative staff includes Conference Admin, Journal Admin, General Admin, Event managers, co-ordinators, Editors, Email Processors, Graphics Designers and support personnel contributing to IAAET activities. They are responsible for ensuring that IAAET activities are conducted in line with the scientific directions of the society as defined by its various technical organisations and the official IAAET rules, regulations, policy and procedures. IAAET administrative staff shall be directly reporting within the organisational structure of the IAAET administration and management.
Technical Council – Technical Body
IAAET’s Technical Body is responsible for implementation of strategically planned policies and events. This body consisting of professors and researchers providing operational and professional execution of the IAAET activities.
Technical Head
The Technical Head shall be responsible for the IAAET’s international Technical Activities and events. The head shall be responsible for supervising the quality assurance on the conduct of the Events and its related operational aspects.
Organizing Chair
The Organizing Chair shall be responsible for the IAAET’s strategic planning to implementation of the all the international events and activities.
General Co Chair - Conferences
General Co Chair will be assisting the organizing chairs and secretaries to implement and execute the events more professionally.
General Co Chair – Journals
General Co Chair will be assisting the Chief Editors and Admins to publish the quality journals. They shall maintain a high standard on selecting and finalizing the papers to journals.
General Chair – Regional Sections
The Section General Chair shall be responsible for all the strategic planning and implementation of the activities of that specific section. Section chair shall nominate other members to the executive board of that section to assist the chair in the activities
Scientific Council – Advisory Body
The Scientific Advisory Body is responsible for all the scientific activities of the IAAET. Executive Council and Technical council always takes strategic decisions, after consulting and taking conference with the appropriate scientific council members.
The CEO, CGM, CTH; All the Technical Council Members, All the Editor-in-Chief of the Journals, All the Directors of the Research Groups are members of the Scientific Council.