Journal of Selected Areas in Robotics and Control (JSRC) accepts scientific research and review articles from diverse fields in microelectronics, including but not limited to:
- Heterogeneous System Models
- Non-Linear Control Systems
- Intelligent Control
- Adaptive and Learning Systems
- Network-based Control
- Single- and Multi-Rate Techniques
- Identification and Estimation Control
- Human-Robot Interaction
- Computability and Complexity Issues
- Real-time Control and Computing
- Embedded and resource-Aware Control Systems
- Mobile robotic networks
- Analysis, Verification, Control, and Design
- Programming Languages
- Robot Perception
- Learning and Estimation in Robotic Systems
- Applications:
. Automotive, Avionics, Under-Water, Energy-based, Medical, Healthcare,
transportation, Manufacturing, and Biological Robotic Systems
These areas aim to target the foremost scientific peer reviewed journal encompassing diverse fields related to the cutting-edge technological advances in both academic and industrial arenas.