Title: | Extracting Temporal Patterns and Analyzing Peak Events |
Special Issue: | Singaporean Journal Scientific Research (SJSR) |
Author(s): | K.R.Premlatha and T.V.Geetha |
[PDF File (232 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | A Novel Approach for Optimal Network Selection inHeterogeneous Wireless Networks |
Special Issue: | Singaporean Journal Scientific Research (SJSR) |
Author(s): | T. NishaDevi1 and T. Adiline Macriga |
[PDF File (183 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | RFID Location System Based on Artificial Neural Networks |
Special Issue: | Singaporean Journal Scientific Research (SJSR) |
Author(s): | Nimmi.S, Meenakshi.S and R.Priyadarshini |
[PDF File (290 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Performance Evaluation of AODV for MobileAd Hoc Network with Varying Network Size |
Special Issue: | Singaporean Journal Scientific Research (SJSR) |
Author(s): | Nilesh. P. Bobade1 and Nitiket. N. Mhala |
[PDF File (294 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Problems and solutions for Saw in Granite Mineral Processing |
Special Issue: | Singaporean Journal Scientific Research (SJSR) |
Author(s): | B.Nageswara Rao, Dr.J.E.B Nelson and B.Ravi |
[PDF File (60 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Design of Low Cost Modem Using Tele Typewriter Signals |
Special Issue: | Singaporean Journal Scientific Research (SJSR) |
Author(s): | D. Muthu Kumaran, C. Charithartha Reddy and C. Annadurai |
[PDF File (234 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | ERP – CRM Integrationby Neural Networks |
Special Issue: | Singaporean Journal Scientific Research (SJSR) |
Author(s): | Mary.AS and Dr. Noorjahan Arif |
[PDF File (28 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Broadband Access for Wireless and Fixed -WiMax |
Special Issue: | Singaporean Journal Scientific Research (SJSR) |
Author(s): | R. MalarVannan and S.Rajalakshmi |
[PDF File (648 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Area Efficient High Speed FPGAImplementation of DUC forUltrasonic NDE SignalProcessing Techniques |
Special Issue: | Singaporean Journal Scientific Research (SJSR) |
Author(s): | P.K.Magendran and Dr. S.Sumathi |
[PDF File (356 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | VLSI Implementation of High Speed DSP algorithms using Vedic Mathematics |
Special Issue: | Singaporean Journal Scientific Research (SJSR) |
Author(s): | Leonard Gibson Moses S and Thilagar M |
[PDF File (368 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Key Management Techniques for Controlling the Distribution and Update of Cryptographic keys |
Special Issue: | Singaporean Journal Scientific Research (SJSR) |
Author(s): | T.Lalitha, R.Umarani and G.M.Kadharnawaz |
[PDF File (60 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Text Orientation Detection from Document Image of Indian Scripts |
Special Issue: | Singaporean Journal Scientific Research (SJSR) |
Author(s): | Lalita Kumari, Swapan Debbarma and Radhey Shyam |
[PDF File (133 KB)] - [Abstract] | |